Do you know that you can attract 50,000 visitors to your blog in the first 30 days after launching it – without name recognition, use of influencers, without advertising, and without lists?
Well, it might sound like a dream or an unachievable goal, but one blogger, Peep Laja was able to achieve that by doing something different to get more visitors to his new Conversion XL blog.
To put this in a practical terms in case you are not a blogger, getting 50,000 visitors in your first month of launching your blog is like winning a lottery – meaning it rarely happens.
So how was he able to achieve this? Well, we have analyzed his methods and here are the steps he used.
1. He Choose a Niche He Was Passionate About
Peep choose a niche that was closest to his heart; conversion optimization. It is also what his company does. Therefore, you should do the same.
2. Making Several Posts
When launching his website, Peep already had over ten articles from his previous posts that were ready for publication. Therefore, make sure that you make several quick posts so that your blog can appear as though it has been around for a while.
Regardless of what your content is, ensure that you have broken it down into blog posts. If you don’t have several blog posts already written, consider having some before launching your blog. Ensure the content is well written so that you can hit the ground running.
3. He Did Extensive Research
Peep analyzed his specific niche and identified a gap that had not been exploited. He noticed that most of the posts in his niche were shallow and he, therefore, decided to write longer posts comprising of 2200-3000 words.
To achieve this, he needed to include video, images, sub-headlines, bullet points, etc… ake his content readable, relevant, and attractive. His posts also provided solutions that people could apply in their businesses.
4. He Applied to What He Learned
Once he conducted his research, Peep knew what he needed to do, and he did it. After researching, you don’t need to spend a lot of time planning on how to execute whatever you have learned.
5. He Used the Distribution Strategy
If you are trying to attract traffic to your blog post, and chances are good that you are, you always post articles that work best for you in terms of research findings. Right? Honestly, this will not get your posts in front of people. Even the most shared and popular blogs have to be seen first before they are shared.
This means you need start-up traffic for your blog to start thriving, but what if you don’t have the traffic? You can find traffic in many ways. For instance, Peep tailored his first post to the specific audience of a social news site called Hacker News. By doing this, there was a high chance that the audience would love and share his post.
6. His Content Was Amazing
Writing and uploading incredible content that is informative for the intended audience is another effective way to attract traffic to your blog. Take your time to write interesting and readable articles that are free from grammatical errors. Peep spent 3 to 4 days working on his initial post.
7. He Utilized the Contacts He Had
Friends and family can be of great help to start attracting traffic to your blog. They will visit and share your post with other friends. Peep started his journey by requesting that his friends and family check out his blog post. He says that this plan worked out well and the outcome left a great reputation about his blog.
8. He Kept E-Mail Addresses and Requests For Social Shares
This is also an effective strategy for attracting more traffic to your site. On every page of your blog post, place an opt-in box on the right-hand side and again at the end of the article. This will help you ask the reader whether the post helpful and if it was, then they can share it on social media.
9. Used the Rinse and Repeat Formula
Peep found the rinse and repeat formula completely helpful and efficient. So he used it again and again, each time focusing and targeting the latest blog post to a specific distribution channel.
Final Verdict
It might be difficult to hit the 50,000 target on your first month, but I am pretty sure you can hit it within 2-3 months when following the steps we have just discussed.